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FOSTER UPDATE - February 6, 2025

Zoey had a great holiday season! Santa brought her a new teddy bear stuffy and some fancy organic treats. She also had a lot of extra attention as her human foster sister was home from university. She got a lot of extra walks around the block and lots of extra cuddles and treats.


At some point someone has taught Zoey all kinds of tricks. She can sit, stay, lay down, turn in a circle and speak on command. She has graduated from walking on the leash in the yard to being able to walk the yard with supervision. She generally does a lap around the yard and then goes back to being my shadow.


Inside the house she is happy as long as she has a person to snuggle up to. At night she loves to have her belly rubbed and if you stop before she is ready, she will reach out until you restart the belly rubs. Also I should mention that she likes her belly rubs while she sits up.


Zoey recovered very well from her dental surgery and had two teeth extracted. She now has her vaccines up to date and she is ready to go on longer walks and meet new people.


Zoey has had a relatively smooth transition into joining our home. She has been eating and drinking well and has made herself at home. She is probably the cuddliest pug we have ever had in our home. As her vaccines are still being brought up to date, she has been enjoying several short walks throughout the day instead of walks where she will interact with other dogs. She has had her first vet visit and passed with flying colours. She does however need a good teeth cleaning and will be having a dental done in early January. While she is 11 years old, she is completely unaware of the fact that she should be mature and is in fact very busy. In her previous home I know that she slept on the floor in dog beds at night, but she has adjusted very well to sleeping on the big bed at night. When she gets cold she likes to get under the covers and get as close to a human heat source as possible. She also likes to sleep face to face with me at night and beyond being a little unsettling, it is very cute. She has had some accidents in the house but we are working on it and she is getting better by the day. She has a real zest for life and has adjusted to her foster home very well. Also she has investigated our cats and has decided they are decent fur creatures.


Meet lovely Zoey, an adorable 11-year-old spayed pug who joined the rescue on November 30th. Zoey is settling into foster life with a touch of creativity and charm. On her first night, she showed just how much she loves comfort by building herself a cozy pillow fort before curling up for sleep. She’s a little adventurer who woke up excited to explore outside this morning and happily enjoyed her breakfast. Zoey has the most endearing quirk—when she wants a belly rub, she sits up perfectly straight and "demands" them in the cutest way imaginable! She is working on her house training skills and with a consistent schedule, lots of patience and positive reinforcement, she will inevitably get the hang of it. Zoey will be going to the vet for a full check up in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates on this sweet girl as she continues her journey!

Pugalug Pug Rescue is a registered charity #85426-8430 RR0001

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412 pugs rescued since 2005.

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