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Winston is doing great! His vetting is now complete, and while he still circles, his doctor believes it’s behavioral rather than medical. He absolutely loves going for walks—when it’s not too cold, of course. Winston is a bit of a prince and isn’t a fan of rain or snow (honestly, who can blame him?). On the bright side, when he walks, he walks straight! The circling only happens when I stop to let him pee. He’ll do his little circle, take care of business, and then resume his straight-line stroll. Inside the house, Winston has been wearing his belly band less often. While he does still attempt to mark occasionally, it’s happening less frequently. I’ve learned to watch him closely for signs he needs to go out, and most of the day, he’s happily snoozing on the couch without any accidents. When I go to bed, leave the house, or get too busy to supervise him closely, the belly band goes back on—just in case. Winston continues to be the ultimate “snuggle frug.” He adores cuddles and belly rubs and would happily spend all day snuggled in my arms if I let him. He’s such a joy to have around, and everyone who meets him—my friends and family included—can’t help but fall in love with him. There is one thing Winston is missing, though: a playmate. He’s eager to play every time he meets another dog, but sadly, none of them have been interested so far. Fingers crossed he finds a buddy soon who’s ready to run around and let loose with him—he deserves it!


Winston has had an eventful month medically so far.

His neuter surgery went well. For his dental surgery the vet had a good probe around his mouth and took x-rays of his teeth. They ended up extracting 6 teeth. He had a microchip implanted. He is now recovering and doing as expected. His Incision looks good. Winston has a normal amount of blood in his drool. He is eating, although less than usual and he is drinking.


I can't use the belly band until he heals, so we have had 2 marking incidents thus far. His scrotum sac is swollen as they said it would be for a while. He sleeps a lot and has been easy to keep calm. I am hopeful the neutering will help alleviate the marking behaviour.

He is curling up in my abdomen for comfort. He has been even more snuggly since his surgeries. I expect he will make a fairly quick recovery without incident. I am following the care instructions closely. His ears are swollen again inside the canal. I'm not sure why this is not getting better. He is back on the drops for 7 days, then back to the vet for a recheck.


Welcome Winston!


Winston is a French bulldog/pug mix (aka) Frug. He is a sweet, sensitive, snuggly bundle of joy. Winston at first was apprehensive about where he was, but now he rules the roost. He's running in the backyard and marking his territory on every blade of grass. Inside the house, he is pretty much a couch potato who loves to sleep on my head. He is a big boy, with long legs and a heart of gold.


Winston has been to the vet for some medications (ears and hot spots). He just got his rabies shot and will be returning next week to have his bloodwork done. He is not neutered and will have surgery to do so in November. We recently changed his food and got him an allergy shot to see if that will take care of his itchies.


The most concerning thing about Winston is his constant circling and his lack of training. We are working hard together on potty, and stair training. He seems to be afraid of the stairs so we are taking it one step at a time. Winston is an amazing dog and is impossible not to love. He has stolen my heart!



Meet Winston. Winston is handsome, playful and as sweet as can be. He is eating well. As he acclimates, we will be working on potty training. He loves to snuggle and get belly rubs. He will be going to the vet soon so stay tuned for more updates in the future.

It is impossible not to love this little boy!

Pugalug Pug Rescue is a registered charity #85426-8430 RR0001

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412 pugs rescued since 2005.

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