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STATUS: Application Window Closed.

Please review Pumpkin's adoption requirements.  If you think you could give him the perfect forever home,



Pumpkin’s latest urine sample was clear of all crystals. We are unsure if this is the result of the veterinarian food that was recommended but it is good news. Moving forward, Pumpkin’s food should be flooded with water and his pH levels will need to be monitored to make sure the crystals do not develop.


Pumpkin will be ready for adoption soon. Pumpkin will be an absolute delight to anyone's home. He loves to please and cuddle!


This little pug has made it clear that winter isn’t his favorite season. He’s not a fan of the cold and needs a few extra layers to stay warm during outdoor adventures. His foster mom is currently on the hunt for the perfect cozy jacket to keep him comfortable. Pumpkin needs another urinalysis and is currently awaiting results. Getting a urine sample in this winter weather has been a challenge! Stay tuned for more updates on Pumpkin, and keep your fingers crossed for him!


Pumpkin went through another urine analysis after a 2-week treatment of cranberries. Unfortunately he still has crystals in his urine, but his PH levels are back to normal. Pumpkin will be starting a specialty kibble and we will retest him in another 6 weeks.

Pumpkin has a lot of energy and believes all humans and canines are his best friend. He and his foster brother are getting along quite splendidly. Pumpkin's personality is still coming out with his cute quirks. When I come home and make a fuss greeting him, he'll bark to play and say hello. 


We had a little scare 10 days ago when Pumpkin woke up with a sore back paw. He was limping first thing in the morning. This continued off and on for a few days. Once the limping subsided, he still wouldn't go up the stairs. He's a smart one, this little guy. Once we were at any stairs he would stop and look up at me. Telling me he needed to be carried.  

We took him to the vet to have x-rays done on both hind legs, which showed no breaks. Pumpkin is on anti-inflammatory medication for 7 days. The vet also found some crystals in his bladder. We are having to take urine samples to ensure nothing major is happening.

Pumpkin had his first bath this weekend and he's a dream to bathe. We are still working on him tolerating his nails being trimmed. All in all this little boy is a sweetie and will shower you with kisses when you get home and at bedtime.


Pumpkin is settling in nicely in his foster home and is developing a sassy behaviour which is quite funny. If you're not paying attention to him he will yell at you. He's probably the biggest clown of all the fosters I have had.

He loves to wrestle with his foster brother or steps all over me (still hasn't learned any personal space etiquette). He has calmed down a bit when I'm petting him. Most times he will lay still and enjoy the love. Pumpkin is part parrot and part frog. He enjoys sitting on my shoulder while we're on the couch. Frog part you can see for yourself how he sits on the stairs! He truly has some weird lying and sitting positions.

Pumpkin is still learning how to walk properly on the leash. Him and his foster brother have started a new zoomies game when on leash. Really I think they're testing how fast I can get dizzy! He can be skittish when we are outside with objects like garbage bin lids and noises but overall he tries to make friends with most people and dogs. He's now an “under the covers sleeper” in bed because learning that behaviour from your foster brother is important you know!

We had our first vet appointment a couple of weeks ago and all was well with his overall checkup. He had a small ear infection and also received his first Cytopoint injection for his allergies. So far the injection has subdued his itchiness. 


Pumpkin has been in foster care for almost 3 weeks now and he has adapted to the household routines easily. The first couple of days when I would leave the house he would bark. Now there's no fussing once I leave. He and the resident Pug are constantly playing and snuggling together.

Pumpkin has no personal space etiquette. He will walk all over you including your face to try to get closer. He's a very active boy and gets excited quite easily as soon as you speak to him. This is also evident when we go on our daily walks. He's all over the place sniffing everything and trying to say hello to everyone. We are working on better leash control.

One of the best experiences of fostering is discovering their "quirks". Pumpkin will try to get your attention by scratching at you. When you get him to stop, he will step back, sit, and bark silently at you twice. I believe it's his inside voice. This is adorable.

Pumpkin will be going to the vet in the next couple of weeks to see about his allergies.


Meet precious Pumpkin, a very friendly neutered male pug who will be 4 years old in about a month. His family cared enough to realize their home environment was exacerbating his allergies and chose to entrust him to Pugalug to find him a more appropriate home. He will remain in foster care until we learn more about what triggers his allergies and what strategies are successful in managing them. Isn’t he adorable?

Pumpkin is acclimating well to foster care. On his first night, he slept in his bed in the living room and is eating his meals well. So far he hasn't itched much and his skin seems to be fine. Toilet training has been a challenge with his excitement at being with other animals in a new environment so the foster family will be reinforcing his association between being outside and going for walks with pottying.  He’s pretty excited to play with the resident pug and gets on well with the cat. He listens wonderfully when you say no or correct him and his recall is pretty good. 

Pugalug Pug Rescue is a registered charity #85426-8430 RR0001

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412 pugs rescued since 2005.

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