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Mayou (now called Pacho) has been settling into his forever home with his big brother. From the moment Pacho arrived, it was clear that these two were meant to be best friends. - whether it's chasing each other around the yard, going for car rides, sharing a pup cup, or cozying up for a nap. He's learning how to be an older little brother and teaching his brother manners about how to share toys and space. Pacho's affectionate nature shines through as he's always by his people's side, making sure he’s never far from the action. He very quickly settled in and got comfortable with his new people. He's a true cuddle bug with a heart full of love, a perfect addition to the house. Velcro may not be a strong enough descriptor, more like "Super Glue Pug". He's getting used to all the new sights and sounds of the neighborhood, gaining confidence every day and learning when it is and isn't a good time to bark.

Pugalug Pug Rescue is a registered charity #85426-8430 RR0001

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412 pugs rescued since 2005.

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