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HAPPY TAIL - OCT. 15, 2022

Bubba came into our lives several weeks ago.  What a wonderful puggle he is.  Bubba is a pug/beagle cross…with lots of beagle shining through.  Excitement fills our kitchen as he jumps and twirls when we pick up his harness and leash.  Bubba loves long walks on country roads, where he is free to sniff everything, and then he marks it.  He lets all the wildlife know he’s here!  He also likes to stop and socialize with all the village dogs and people.


Bubba likes making dog friends of all shapes and sizes at the leash-free parks near us, choosing which paths we will explore, and fetching his ball.  At these parks he shows his manners and stays close to us and comes readily when called.  Indoors his favorite activities are playing with our grandchildren and with his two squeaky toys, as well as cuddling with us in our warm bed.  Our lives have certainly been enhanced with this joyous addition to our family.


Pugalug Pug Rescue is a registered charity #85426-8430 RR0001

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412 pugs rescued since 2005.

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