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HAPPY TAIL - JUNE 28, 2024

Brandy Is doing so well. She has settled in quite quickly and has easily fit into our schedule. She sure loves food! She eagerly awaits any crumbs that might fall and watches what happens in the kitchen just in case there are any handouts.


She's won over the cats in the house and her new brother Bryan has welcomed her warmly. Brandy loves going on walks in the beautiful parks in the area with Bryan. She has found her favourite spot in bed. And snuggles right in happily for the night.


During the day, she naps, plays with her toys, monitors the house and what the cats are doing, and will often crawl on my lap for a little snuggle while I work. She has even joined a few meetings and she's quite popular. Brandy loves greeting people at the door and sounds the alarm if anyone walks by the house, even if there isn't anyone there. We are so happy that she has joined our family and we have all fallen in love with her sweet nature and quirky little ways. Brandy Is a real gem!

Pugalug Pug Rescue is a registered charity #85426-8430 RR0001

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412 pugs rescued since 2005.

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